Anuncio en Barcelona > Servicios > Tarot / Magia

7777.77 Flight Ticket To The Edge Of The Universe (Universal)

Be warned!

This is Almighty, Divine Power!

Do NOT approach if you are a vile creature.

No favor shall be given to evil doers, period!

We warn you before the eyes of all Creation that we will intentionally curse any spell if the asker takes away from Divine Giver the will of the universe - that every single creature that manages its own Free Will under the Magnificent guidance of The Architect Of Life.

Be warned!

This is Almighty, Divine Power!

Do NOT approach if you are a vile creature.

No favor shall be given to evil doers, period!

We warn you before the eyes of all Creation that we will intentionally curse any spell if the asker takes away from Divine Giver the will of the universe - that every single creature that manages its own Free Will under the Magnificent guidance of The Architect Of Life.

I will offer supernatural guidance in three areas of interest in their lives.

From those among you who applied for a brief interview, thank you so much for believing in yourselves.

After all, there's not a simple way to explain this to the select few individuals among the ones we chose to serve with dignity.

I remind you about not asking for too many selfish things. We must create balance in the whole universe by using our resources for the wellbeing of others as a priority of existence.

Otherwise, you shall be granted no access to power like this.

Our spells cut through anything, just like double edged, Majestic Swords, indeed.

By responding to your messages, talking to you, or having contact with you in any way, shape or form, or the lack thereof, you should not feel entitled to receive my attention.

Sorry for being so bold.

7777.77 To The Edge Of The Universe, that's all we ask for our services during 7 Gregorian Calendar months (preferably contiguous months, in order to avoid depleting your energy right in every gap of time).

We have too much work to do, we need to continue building the future of happier generations ahead together.

We are here for help.

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Publicado: 24/06/2024 Visualizado: 6 veces
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